Let’s Find Larry

The Backrooms


Had enough of the typical horror games with predictable monsters and outcomes? Brace yourself for a new kind of eerie experience where you are the lone character, and yet, the fear is not any less. Let’s delve into this adventure, where your mission is to escape a maze. At first glance, the setting might not seem too terrifying – just a labyrinth of identical rooms and corridors, all draped in moldy wallpaper with nothing else to be seen. The emptiness stretches endlessly, and the dim lights only add to the oppressive atmosphere.

Will you crack this puzzle?

As you navigate this peculiar maze, doubts creep whether an exit is available at all. A sinister suspicion is in your head – is this some malevolent prank played on you? Gradually, you find your sanity slipping away. Are those shadows real, or are they mere figments of your imagination? Stay vigilant, look closely, for hidden and seemingly insignificant objects that may offer invaluable hints and tips. Don’t underestimate them – they might be your key to your survival. And beware, your decisions throughout the game will shape its outcome, leading to various possible endings. Are you prepared for the chilling uncertainty that lies ahead?

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