Let’s Find Larry

That’s not my Neighbor


Stepping into a World of Deception: That’s not my Neighbor

That’s not my Neighbor transports players to 1955, a time not only defined by its post-war recovery and cultural shifts but also by a peculiar menace: doppelgangers. In this unique 2D job simulator and horror game, players assume the role of an apartment building’s doorman, a seemingly mundane job twisted into a vital defense against these human-mimicking monsters. The game, crafted by Nacho Sama and released on February 24, 2024, offers a distinct blend of tension and responsibility. As players navigate their duties, they’re thrust into a constant battle of wits, distinguishing between genuine tenants returning home and doppelgangers seeking entry. The stakes are high; failure to identify these intruders not only endangers the player but also the unsuspecting tenants, making each decision critical.

The Mechanics of Suspicion

Gameplay in That’s not my Neighbor is a meticulous process of verification and intuition. Embracing a point-and-click interface, players are tasked with scrutinizing identification documents, comparing faces to photos, and ensuring names match up with the apartment building’s records. This procedural gameplay is juxtaposed with moments of high tension as players encounter doppelgangers whose disguises range from nearly flawless to laughably poor. The game weaves in a rich narrative through these interactions, fleshed out by the ominous presence of the Doppelganger Detection Department (D.D.D.)—a group that both aids and intimidates, hinting at the gravity of the doppelganger threat. Players navigate through a series of increasingly difficult encounters, where success relies on keen observation and quick thinking, all set within the immersive and historically rich backdrop of the 1950s.

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